

Compassion lies at the heart of most religions and is the foundation for family and society. On 27th November 2022, the speakers came together and together we thought about the similarities and differences in relation to the conception and practice of compassion. That seminar is available on the following link: Compassion Seminar

Each religion understands and expresses compassion in its own way. These seminars are opportunities for discussion between the various religions so that we can understand each other better and work with each other more effectively. Seminars have included Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Zoroastrianism, and Christian perspectives. Most of these seminars are now on Youtube:

Building Community

A series of seminars were held on Building Community. These were filmed and are available on Youtube.

Bonding in Community
The topic was introduced by Prof Philip Hughes. The speakers were Dr Bob Dixon, Rev Glenn Loughrey, and Rev Scott Hawkins. This was the first in the series and was held on 17th October 2020 in Melbourne.
Bonding in Community

Bridges in Community
The second seminar in the series on building community focused on building bridges. The speakers were Dr Bob Dixon the former director of the Catholic Pastoral Research Office, Ven Chang Ji of the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist tradition, Rev Scott Hawkins pastor of Urban Life Church Ringwood, and Swami Sunishthananda, leader of the Vedanta Hindu Centre, Melbourne. The seminar was organised by the Maroondah Interfaith Network.
Bridges in Community

Linkages in Community
This is the third seminar in a series on building community, organised by the Maroondah Interfaith Network. It is focussed on the role of institutions in community and confidence in those organisations - especially in religious organisations. It is introduced by Prof Philip Hughes who presents some data on general levels of confidence in religious and other organisations. Dr Bob Dixon speaks about confidence in the Catholic Church among Catholic attenders. Fleur Creed speaks about research identifying the factors which enable religious groups to build social capital in their own local communities. Ven Chang Ji speaks about how we need a new paradigm for organisations to operate in community for the sake of a sustainable future.
Linkages in Community

Concluding Discussion on Building Community
The Maroondah Interfaith Network held its Harmony Day Dinner on 28th March 2021. The dinner included a Q&A session. The speakers were Rev Glenn Loughrey (St Oswald's Anglican Church), Rev Scott Hawkins (UrbanLife), and Swami Sunishthananda (Vedanta Mission). The theme of the evening was building community across the social boundaries, including the boundaries of religion. The dinner also included some classical Indian dancing from the Ghungroo School of Dance, and some classical Indian songs.
Concluding Discussion on Building Community

This series of seminars has been made possible through a grant from the Maroondah City Council.</s,all>

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